About Me

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Typical teenage Trekkie, as typical as Trekkies go. I'm a strange girl with an even stranger sense of humor. Get over it. And if you hate Marvel, you might just wanna get out. Now. I've been known to be quite morbid at times. Beware...

February 6, 2012


Sorry for not really posting anything as of late; I've been falling into some state of depression...

I really don't know why, I just haven't been feeling my usual happy-bouncy self. I'm generally not preppy, just very, very energetic. It's probably because I haven't been sleeping the greatest, but nuance.

I have been trying to fight off this sudden cloud of doom with Star Trek, but that's not helping as of late. Whenever I watch an episode of DS9, it just reminds me how much the U.S. government is becoming like the Dominion more and more...

You probably don't care about my constant blathering and depressed state. Sorry...

Remember children, Weyoun loves you! (Creepy cult creator... O.o)

Weyoun's probably stalking you. -.-


  1. I'm sorry! I will be praying for you! =)
    That sounds exactly like what i said in the email... oh well. :P ;)

  2. Ahh, I'm like this a lot. This is sort of why I write all this demented stuff, because that's the only thing I feel like writing about. I'm really getting tired of the kids on the bus. I finally had it when one of the mango slushie pulps asked me if he could sit in my seat instead. (Believe me, the bus riders are not as innocent as I just made him sound.) Naturally, I hastily grabbed my trumpet and replied, "Sure, why not, since I'm so worthless."

    It felt good. I'm small (Almost 4'10" and 13) and 'quiet' (only on the outside, sort of like being overly introverted), so people think they can take advantage of me, say rude things, and do whatever they want. After enduring months of people stealing my seat, kicking me out, being rude to me, (a trombone player squirted valve oil in my hair) I'm going to be a bit on edge.

    Ahh look at me. Ranting on someone else's blog. Shooooooo...and now I sound like a trombone player.

    I understand how you feel. Maybe not the circumstances, but my life hasn't really been all sunshine and rainbows lately. I think it makes me a better writer, yet an even worse person.

    1. I'm not that tall, either. I'm fourteen (going to be fifteen in July), and I'm only 5'1.5 or 5'2. I'm not sure...


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