About Me

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Typical teenage Trekkie, as typical as Trekkies go. I'm a strange girl with an even stranger sense of humor. Get over it. And if you hate Marvel, you might just wanna get out. Now. I've been known to be quite morbid at times. Beware...

February 4, 2012

Normal life for me, yadda yadda yadda...

Part one of my story "Silent Vipers" is done. You can read it here:
(R’qu broke her daydreams with a loud protest.)

I'm awake at 12:14AM, sitting here, typing at my computer, waiting until GhostBusters (the old, 1980s one) is on on Qubo. It's on at one...

Meh, normal life for moi...



  1. Sounds like a pretty good normal life!


  2. You sound like me! I always get my inspiration late at night! During the day I would just sit around, not knowing what to do. It wouldn't be until at least ten when I come up with a bunch of fun ideas and the urge to write and read stories. I have most of my energy late at night (may be due to sleep patterns, as I go to sleep late and wake up early) and my brain starts to process all of this stuff.

    Sometimes it's too late to do something, and I forget about it during the day. :P

    Somehow the night generates all these great ideas for me. :O

  3. friendsthroughphotos.blogspot.com

    It's waiting for you!

    (check 'Gretchen's' pms on the MB?)


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