About Me

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Typical teenage Trekkie, as typical as Trekkies go. I'm a strange girl with an even stranger sense of humor. Get over it. And if you hate Marvel, you might just wanna get out. Now. I've been known to be quite morbid at times. Beware...

January 16, 2012

Bored and waiting

I'm so bored! Grr!
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I'm not that bored... well, I don't have a baseball, any way...

If only I had some fun in my bored, dead brain...

I tried rolling our computer chair across the kitchen floor. It was really fun; that is, until my parents threatened to take away my iPod if I didn't stop. However, I get the distinct feeling they might've tried to kill me...
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And that's how an Obsidian Order spy operates. O.o

For some reason, I think my dad's a spy. Ooh, I could write a story about that! Nah, I'm too lazy... *inspiration dings*

Anyway, this is a really weird, random post that probably no one will read.
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But that's A-okay!

Don't you just love the pictures in my posts?


  1. I saw this yesterday. Just didn't comment. Maybe I should e-mail Liz saying, "Arianna has taken her time to put her questions into an e-mail, and wishes to hear back."

    Then if I can, block her so she can't mail me. XD


I love comments! They're a writer's food supply!