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Typical teenage Trekkie, as typical as Trekkies go. I'm a strange girl with an even stranger sense of humor. Get over it. And if you hate Marvel, you might just wanna get out. Now. I've been known to be quite morbid at times. Beware...

January 26, 2012

Of Flops and "Jealous" People

Hello! I know it's been a couple of days since I posted, but I really haven't had much to say. Besides that, I've been watching a little too much television...

My novel is a complete flop. I lost wherever in Qo'noS I was going with it, and now... it's a complete epic fail. I feel so ashamed. :(


Does it ever annoy the crap out of you when people call you "jealous". Especially when you are NOT! This happened to me on Wednesday.

Okay, so I used to be friends with this kid named Jacob, until he decided he had an "almost girlfriend" (his words, not mine :P), and that I was completely worthless. It's not like I fancied the kid or anything; I just saw someone who needed a friend and was there for him.

So, I get all hot under the collar because of this "girlfriend", but not because I'm "jealous" of her. No, it's because this has happened with every single freaking friend I've ever had. They always find someone else they'd rather hang out with than me; the girl who has strong opinions, isn't afraid to say anything, and scares people.

Yesterday, he got the brilliant idea to say I was jealous of his darned "girlfriend". I told him to shut up, but he persisted. What did he get? A punch in the arm and LOTS of Trek insults. Yay.

Then, he had the AUDACITY to say, "Why does this always happen to me?"

I replied, "What?"

He said, "I never have any friends."

NO, REALLY?! Sure, everyone wants to be friends with a guy who will leave them for the first "hot" chick who comes along.

Sorry for the picture, I couldn't help myself.

All in all, I'm mad at Jacob and myself. What a life I have. -.-

End rant.


  1. Those people. :P I HATE when people say you're jealous and there's not an ounce of you that is. Like, hate it with a burning passion. GIRL, I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL.


  2. Ugh, PEOPLE! XD People can be so snuffnoggish! There are girls at my school who are purely toxic. If you're not their friend, you'd better steer clear.

    1. If I had to go to school with people like that, I'd probably be suspended right now for violent outbursts. XD

  3. I don't like those people. They make me wanna crush their windpipes. Oh well, giving them evil, scary looks is just fine for me. I know how you feel though.

    1. Thanks, BSH! I love the idea of crushing some people's windpipes! XD

  4. did you read this?
    Quote from Kanani's thank you's to,
    "DanielleS9 (for helping me with my story intro thingy and that ONLY)
    and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many more radical rad peeps ,idk why i said Danielle"

    1. Oh my opals. I'm gonna find that topic. I just can't believe that Liz is ignorant enough to ban us, but leave AG32 and leave Kanani. Every time I see one of Kaitlynn's posts, I swear to Dear God, I find SOMETHING in it I hate. Whether it's telling someone their story is good when it's a pile of lion feces, using such horrid grammar that I've seen better-looking vomit, or just being plain stupid. It's ALWAYS THERE. Not one post of hers is comforting, heartwarming, sensible, or doesn't stab at my cerebrum until it explodes into a fiery mess. Sorry for the gore. And the rant...

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