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Typical teenage Trekkie, as typical as Trekkies go. I'm a strange girl with an even stranger sense of humor. Get over it. And if you hate Marvel, you might just wanna get out. Now. I've been known to be quite morbid at times. Beware...

January 15, 2012

Liz -.-

I know this blog has become one big rant center, but it's the only place I can let anything out.

Liz. Holy Klingons-impaled-with-bat'leths, Liz. She irritates me just as much as any of those other prats on the Message Board.

Why, for the sake of all things Cardassian, does our wonderful administrator choose to make an "example" out of me by banning? What is she, Dukat? Honestly, why not ban Kaitlynn or AG32, the idiotic, trolling pests who drove me over the edge in the first place? Liz, what in Equestria is she thinking?!

She didn't even PM or email me before she banned me. A simple "This is the reason you're getting banned and you'll get unbanned in this amount of time" is all that was required. Does she even bother with that?
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Of course, after she's Weyoun'd us all into submission, maybe we can have free speech on the internet again...
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...Or not...

I mean, really? How dense does one have to be in order to see that the root of all the problems are not the outspeakers, but the causers. I thought that I had a right to express my opinion on that board as long as I did so respectfully, yet I got banned. Thanks Liz.

Supressing freedom, where have I heard that before? Maybe you should talk to... this gal.
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I'm sure you two would get along perfectly.

By the way, all the people who live on the second deck of a starship are trolls. They live under the Bridge ;).

Enjoying my weird sense of humor,


  1. HOLY. RIZA. I'VE SAID THE EXACT SAME THING! Well, not as unicorniously well as this, but I PMed Liz with the whole 'they're the actual problem' bit. The 'Choose Your Side' poem was about her.

    In response to my being 'irritated with others', this is what she said: 'I know there are many immature girls on here, but that is because they have not matured yet. Some are 8-10 years old, which is the American Girl age group.'

    So that makes it okay for them to act like snuffnogs (I just made that up, don't know what it is. XD) to us? Apparently she sees us like this:

    10-year-old: your such a good friend!!


    We are not trolls, we live on the Bridge. ...I am Leslie, the girl. XD

    1. Unicorniously is a positive thing, right? XD

      AG32 is going around all the time saying how she's almost thirteen. Honestly, we expect more mature behaviour out of her because she's capable of it.

      While Kaitlynn is ten, she should be turning eleven soon. Therefore, she's also growing out of Liz's retarded defense.

      The least Liz could do is tell them to use a dictionary. -.- Or, as they may refer to it as, "da biiiiiiiiigg book wif tuns of wurds!!!111"

    2. Oh, yes, those who are unicornious are wise... (awkward/dramatic moment here)

      No snuffnogging kidding. (A 'snufnog' is eggnog full of snuff. XD)You don't have to be mature on the level of a practical businesswoman to avoid the need for 'time-outs'.

      Perhaps I should give spelling lessons on my blog. XD

      -imbecile (Oh I just LOVE imbusul *rolls eyes*)
      -you're (Not 'your welcome'. But thank you, I am glad to obtain this welcome. Finally, the welcome is mine!)

    3. Honestly, Emily is a month YOUNGER than AG32, and way more mature. -.- Obviously Maddie is capable of being mature, she just is too trollish to be so.

  2. Really Liz?! And last time I checked I became mature by the age of nine. It's pretty much like labeling us. Saying alright everyone 11+ with brain cells over here. Now 10 and under with no brain cells over here. Plus she's trying to say you can have freedom but no freedom. We have rights, unless she wants me to get the constitution out. Oh, and I think that Liz shouldn't make them use the dictionary but something called common sense.

    1. This is where Thomas Paine comes in handy. ;D

    2. Well said, BSH! Glad you are coming to our side :).

  3. You need to understand- She is still fixing the problem/drama. which means, that those two girls may get banned. My guess is they will. If they keep up what they've been doing.
    Not only that, but I am pretty sure AG32 was banned from there before. By banned I mean she got completely banned. Her account got deleted, the whole shebang.
    And she came back. A few hours (or was it days) later she was back with a different name.

    I heard this from someone else on the message board.

    Also, this might not be true, but it makes sense.
    A girl with a name a lot like Hannie got banned (blocked). She left, ad a few hours (days?) later a new girl is back and she has the name Hannie, is just as annoying, and acts almost the same. Coincidence? I don't think so.

    So, please know Liz is still solving the problem. There is a lot of time for them to get banned, and not only that, but there is another thing. I can't tell you because I don't have permission from her, but hold on! We'll get you through!

    ~Guess who!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That was me!!!! And clearly... Rebember the "Sonali" girl on the message board.... I have a feeling she was my evil twin........................................................

    3. There is no flippin' way in a Hirogen toilet that that was you! You have way worse grammar and spelling than a Kazon with a typewriter... -.-

  4. I got this wierd feeling.
    I got the feeling Kanani got banned but then made a new accout called Kananiisawesome
    Because that's the newest user's name!
    But that can be me

  5. Ag32 and kaitlyn are my friends and if u want to be mean to them that is not ok. I saw your apology to them, but then u retracted ur apology to ag32. YOU SAID SHE SUCKS! Yes she can be rather rude at poitns but U CAN'T SAY THAT! That's so mean!


  6. Man, the "olden" days were awesome, right? No.


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